Commentary With Winston Barnes: Usain Bolt ET AL
By: Winston Barnes
SOUTH FLORIDA – In things sports, I defer to my brother Ed Barnes; he has lived sports for most of his life. This I do know though, that Usain Bolt is not an ordinary human being. Forget the man who re-took the title of the “Fastest Man in The World” and remember that this is a young man people did not know on his first trip to Beijing, and some thought him to be boastful and proud. The world has come to know this young man is playful, humble and smart.
Click image below to watch video of the race:
Add to that deliberate, when you consider how the plotted and planned and pierced all the shadows of doubt to reign supreme Sunday morning.
Usain Bolt embodies a Jamaican exceptionalism that cannot hide rampant dog-heart behavior among Jamaicans. So in addition to the mantle he has carried of coming to save athletics, which he has done, for his sake Jamaicans need to wheel and come again.
But some other young men proved their mettle was well when they thwarted what could have been mass murder, a terrorist attack if you would, on a train in Western Europe. The boldness of youth can also be the example for all ages to comprehend and to pattern.
Like Usain Bolt, these young men remind us that good can and will prevail over evil as long as good people continue to stand up.
Photo Credit: Leroy “Dreamy” Riley
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