Commentary With Winston Barnes: Terror In Paris
SOUTH FLORIDA – As I ponder about the terror in Paris, it is most ironic that in life we tend to happen upon sayings and sentiments that have a particular reference and relevance to our pristine state.
I experienced a classic example of this on the weekend which began with the terror in Paris, France.
In one of my meditations, I ran into a thought that says, “do not let the brutality of the world, take away your thankful heart”. A most appropriate sentiment on the day after watching the news about the deaths in Paris, which set me to thinking about the charmed life so many of us live and sadly enough, take for granted.
How many of you reading this editorial commentary know at this time what it is to truly suffer want and deprivation?
I submit not many, especially if you live in this country. Yet, that is but a part of the blessings that we so readily assume and presume about. How many of you who listen to WAVS 1170 Radio or reading this commentary have any doubt about where breakfast will come from tomorrow? How many of us went to bed last night without a meal?
In other words, while evil persists and will for the rest of time, most if not many of us enjoy a pretty decent standard of living. But more importantly, we have choices many on this globe simply do not have. So while we acknowledge the darkness in the heart of some, sometimes really close to us, let us hold fast and never allow “the brutality of this world to take away our thankful heart”. We cannot afford to.
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Photo Credit: Leroy “Dreamy” Riley