City of Miramar Commissioner Messam To Address Citizens’ Concerns In The Aftermath of Ferguson
MIRAMAR – On Wednesday, December 3, 2014, 11:00 a.m. at the Miramar City Hall, Commissioner Wayne Messam will hold a press conference to address the growing concerns of Miramar residents in the aftermath of the recent uprisings in Ferguson, Missouri.
The intent explains Commissioner Messam, is to “address the many questions and concerns, received by my office, after last week’s incident in Ferguson. I also want to highlight existing programs that the Miramar Police Department currently have in place to foster resident and citizen engagement to strengthen Police and resident relations in Miramar.”
In addition, Commissioner Messam will unveil policy recommendations for the Miramar Commission to help address areas of deficiency in the city that could potentially have a negative effect in the event an incident should occur in Miramar. Police Chief Ray Black and Fire Chief Keith Tomey will be present to address life safety questions from the public.
“No city is immune to the unfortunate circumstances that have impacted the city of Ferguson, Missouri. As an elected official, I am expected to provide leadership to address concerns of our constituents and be proactive in recommending adequate and appropriate policies that prevent and minimize tragic events. I am also expected to foster an environment that unites our community and increase constituent engagement with our public safety officers resulting in a partnership that keeps Miramar as a safe place to live, work, visit, and play”, states Commissioner Messam.
Miramar City Hall is located at 2300 Civic Center Place, Miramar Florida 33025. For additional information or for media press kit contact 954-734-4428 or [email protected]