United Way Gives $70,000 for Haitian earthquake survivors now living in Broward County
BROWARD COUNTY – United Way of Broward County’s Board of Directors approved an initial disbursement of $70,000 in short-term relief for Haitian earthquake survivors now living in Broward County. This initial investment represents the first stage of United Way’s Project S.H.A.R.E. (Strategic Haitian Aid and Relief Efforts) directed to victims of Haiti’s earthquake who reside in Broward County.
The funds will be used to purchase super market gift cards, international phone cards, bus passes, gasoline vouchers and provide support to local agencies that assist refugees in applying for Temporary Protective Status. Items will be distributed to displaced Haitian earthquake victims through community partners such as Broward County Public Schools, Legal Aid of Broward County, Minority Development and Empowerment Inc. and Urban League of Broward County.
The needs in Broward County are substantial and growing each week. Broward County Public Schools reported 800 children as of February 24.
United Way of Broward County raised this initial amount of $70,000 in donations through its corporate partners and individual donors. This initiative is in addition to United Way of Broward County’s annual $47 million impact on the community generated through fundraising and matching grants.
“Those who were evacuated into our community came only with the clothes on their backs. They need short and long-term housing; clothing; food; immunizations, school supplies and more in the short term. They also need access to legal assistance to assist with immigration status changes in order to get jobs and become self sufficient. With the support of our corporate, foundation and individual donors, United Way of Broward County can assist in meeting these immediate needs,” said Dr. Jennifer O’Flannery Anderson, president & CEO of United Way of Broward County.
United Way of Broward County is a participating member of the newly formed Haitian Relief Task Force Victim Services Committee. This group, along with other long-standing collaborations will assist United Way in the ongoing monitoring of needs and the identification of faith-based organizations and other non-traditional service providers that may have established roots in the Haitian community.
To learn more or to contribute to Project S.H.A.R.E., please call 954.462.4850, ext. 164 or visit www.unitedwaybroward.org.