
Pain Management Clinic Task Force Aims to Regulate

BROWARD – Broward County has been referred to as the “pill mill” capital of America. Last year, a Broward County grand jury issued a report noting the proliferation of pain clinics throughout Broward County. According to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Broward leads the state in overdoses involving legal prescription medications. According to the Broward Sheriff’s Office, the number of pain management clinics in Broward more than doubled from August 2008 to November 2009.

In response to this proliferation, the Broward County Commission has agreed to create a task force with the Broward League of Cities and other stakeholders to formulate comprehensive regulations for pill mill establishments. The County Attorney’s office is also drafting an ordinance proposing a moratorium on pain management clinics.

Broward Commissioner Ilene Lieberman is the Commission’s representative on the Pain Management Clinic Task Force. The 11-member task force will also include a representative from the following categories:

A representative nominated by the League of Cities

A representative nominated by the Broward County Police Chief’s Association

A representative nominated by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office

A representative nominated by the Broward County United Way Commission on Substance Abuse

A pharmaceutical representative nominated by the League of Cities

A representative nominated by the American Medical Association

A representative nominated by the Broward City County Management Association

A planner nominated by the League of Cities

A psychiatrist nominated by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners

A drug counselor nominated by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners

The Pain Management Clinic Task Force will review, research, and make recommendations to the Broward Commission that will address a number of issues including the feasibility of a moratorium on the issuance of business tax receipts (formerly known as Occupational Licenses) for any business which dispenses prescription drugs; formulation of a specific definition of “pain clinic” and establishment of land development code regulations; the feasibility of creating ordinances prohibiting any new pain clinic medical offices in certain zoning districts; empowerment of city and County staff to enforce newly-passed State legislation requiring registration and inspection of clinics which advertise pain management services; enforcement of more stringent parking requirements for new medical offices and review the fiscal impact of enforcing this ordinance in the unincorporated areas of Broward County. The task force will issue a draft report for Commission consideration by September 30.

The Broward Commission also approved a request by Commissioner Kristin Jacobs to instruct the County Attorney to write a draft ordinance that would place a one-year moratorium on pain management clinics in unincorporated Broward County. A number of cities in Broward County have already established such ordinances.

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