Jamaican Attorney starts church in Lake Worth
Jamaican Attorney A.Wayne Gill has pioneered a church in Lake Worth, Florida starting on Sunday, August 7, 2005 at 10am. Changed Lives Church will hold its first service at Barton Elementary School at 1700 Barton Road, Lake Worth Florida.
The Church is non-denominational and preaches the love and hope found in Jesus Christ. Gill has undertaken the role of Senior Pastor, launching the church as a bi-vocational ministry. Gill is a partner with the law firm of Adorno & Yoss LLP and formerly the principal of Gill & Associates. P.A.
He is joined in the ministry by his wife, Sharon, who serves as the Minister of Women and Administration and a core group of people who have responded to God’s call on their lives to help start the church. The main goal of Changed Lives Church is to help people of all genders, races, cultures and socio-economic backgrounds to discover their God-given purpose in life.
Gill was quoted saying, “God wants to change all of our lives for the better. He wants all people to experience life to the fullest here on Earth and eternal life with Him upon our departure. The key to that blessed life is discovering God’s will for your life and then living it out daily. Changed Lives Church will help people to make that life-changing discovery.”
The attorney-turned-Pastor also provided that the church will not only talk about changing lives, it will also actively work in the Lake Worth community to better the quality of lives for all its citizens, including the poor, disadvantaged and needy. “We intend to get back to the basic roots of the Gospel message – changing lives and impacting the community for Christ,” said Minister of Women, Sharon Gill.
The church welcomes all, irrespective of religious background or lack of any church background at all. According to Robin DeLuca, Director of Children’s Ministries, “Our philosophy comes directly from Jesus who said, ‘come as you are’ and let the Lord work out the details.”
For more information about Changed Lives Church, including children and youth ministries, service times or general information, please call 561-603-4148.