South Florida’s Haitian Community seeks help for family and friends impacted by Tropical Storm Noel
MIAMI – Tropical Storm Noel took a devastating toll in Haiti’s West, Southeast, South, Center, Northeast, North, and Northwest departments.
The Consulate General of Haiti in Miami has been deeply saddened by the high number of casualties and the magnitude of the destruction caused by tropical storm Noel in Haiti.
While some areas of the country have been affected directly by winds, others were tremendously devastated by numerous landslides and flooding following the large amount of rain received during several consecutive days.
The Government of Haiti’s Civil Protection Bureau (“Bureau de Protection Civile”) this week issued a detailed official assessment showing the number of persons and homes affected by Noel:
Death Toll – 66
Missing – 16
Injured – 114
Homeless – 12,396
Individuals in Shelters – 14,109
Destroyed Homes – 2,527
Damages Homes – 10,303
The Haitian Government and International Organizations based in Haiti have been, so far, trying to respond to the immediate needs of the affected populations, but are very limited, due to the magnitude of the devastation.
The Consulate General of Haiti in Miami is inviting all its nationals in its area of jurisdiction to join the relief efforts being done to help our sisters and brothers affected by this disaster.
Monetary donations
“Haitian Relief Efforts”, Account # 8173
Tel: 305-795-2978
Monetary donations (cash, checks, credit cards) can be deposited on the above account.
Monetary donations by credit cards or electronic debit can be done by phone and dialing the following number: 1-800-HELPNOW (1-800-435-7609) and mentioning “Haiti Relief Tropical Storm Noel”.
Checks can be mailed to the order of Red Cross at the following address: 335 SW 27th Avenue, Miami, FL 33135, still mentioning “Haiti Relief Tropical Storm Noel”.
Re in-kind donations
St. James Catholic Church, 540 NW 132nd Street in Miami, is accepting donations of non-perishable food (especially rice, dry beans, and sardines), water, new bed spreads, new cooking pots, oils etc. Used clothes or accessories will not be accepted.
A November 1 American Red Cross partial assessment said “more than 14,500 families in Haiti have been affected” with “nearly 4,500 people are in shelters as of [October 30 or November 1] …heavy rains caused flash floods and mudslides in the Sud, Oueste, Artibonite, and NordEst provinces, resulting in obstruction of road networks….”