2nd Caribbean Media Conference & Exposition secures major US Telecom sponsor – INOG
KINGSTON, Jamaica – The Telecommunications sector and the Mobile/cell phone will play a major role in the upcoming Caribbean Media Conference and Exposition (CMCE) set for October 10-11th in Kingston Jamaica, under the theme – consumer engagement – the key to media success.
Positioned as the Caribbean’s premier media conference and exposition, the promoters have now confirmed a major sponsorship deal with telecom firm International Network Operations Group (INOG) out of the United States.
The conference has also attracted sponsorship from, Businessuite magazine, Caribvision, BNC3, Telegens Inc, AK Insights, Nationwide News Network, Caribbean Today and Caribbean Voice.
The Conference now in its second year is targeting delegates from Trinidad, Barbados, Antigua, Grenada, St. Lucia, Dominica, Puerto Rico, Cayman Islands, Guyana, Suriname, Bahamas, Curacao, Aruba, St. Maarten and of course Jamaica. Other areas outside of the Caribbean such as the USA and Canada are also targeted and the organisers have so far indicated that interest from as far away as Nigeria and South Africa have been received.
Media owners, production company executives, content/programme producers, media and marketing research, telecommunication, cable television and web development companies will all leave with a more in-depth understanding and knowledge of media industry trends and new emerging technologies.
Aldo, President and CEO of AMK Communications, the organisers of the 2nd media conference and exposition set for October 10-11th at the Jamaica Conference in Kingston Jamaica, under the theme – consumer engagement – the key to media success will also be offering full time marketing, media and communications tertiary students with valid ID’s limited complimentery registration (No lunch) to this year staging.
The offer designed to allow tertiary students an opportuinty to gain experience and exposure will be offered to qualifying students who MUST register before September 21st2007. Failure to register by this date will see the imposition of normal registration rates. Completed registration forms must also be stamped and sigend by the Head of Department from the institution to ensure that applicants are valid.