$187 Million in Agricultural losses from Wilma in Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica – The Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA), in its latest report, has said that the agricultural sector suffered more than $187 million in damage as a result of the heavy rains associated with Hurricane Wilma.

Farmers in 11 parishes suffered losses due to the flood rains associated with the system. The parishes are: St. Catherine, St. Andrew, Portland, St. Ann, St. Mary, St. Thomas, Clarendon, St. Elizabeth, Manchester, Hanover and Westmoreland.

According to RADA’s Executive Director, Albert Shand crops such as vegetables, condiments, fruits, and ground provision suffered the most damage. In addition, livestock such as broiler and layer chickens, fish, goats, pigs and cattle were destroyed.

The losses in dollar value are as follows: vegetables, $95,685,000; condiments, $39,187,000; fruits, $21,070,000; ground provisions, $18,280,000; pulses, $12,946,000; cereals, $3,210,000; and plantain, $2,760,000. Loss of livestock, including sheep is valued at $40,326,000.

Meanwhile, more than 700 hectares of vegetable lands were destroyed while 278 hectares of condiments were flooded. In addition, 222 hectares of land for pulses were destroyed; 129 hectares of fruits; 19 hectares of ground provision; 30 hectares of cereals and 23 hectares of other cropland. The number of livestock killed was 219,934.

The total number of farmers affected is now estimated at 18,650, a sharp increase from the 1,200 as was earlier reported.

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