Antigua and Barbuda Open For Business Following Tropical Storm Gonzalo
St. Johns, Antigua – As tropical storm Gonzalo winds its way through the Caribbean, Antigua and Barbuda’s Minister of Tourism, Economic Development, Investment and Energy, the Honourable Asot Michael stated “Antigua and Barbuda were mercifully spared loss of life or damage to the tourism infrastructure by tropical storm Gonzalo and I can happily report that our islands remain open for business. The V.C. Bird International Airport is open, flights in and out of Antigua are operating as scheduled and visitors continue to arrive to vacation at the islands’ collection of resorts,” he concluded.
Amid the bustle of residents assessing damage to their property, the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda the Honourable Gaston Browne declared Tuesday, October 14th a national clean-up and recovery day. “I am making a call for all Antiguans and Barbudans and residents to utilize Tuesday, 14th October to carry out damage assessments of their offices, both public and private, and businesses and also to engage in a cleanup exercise in order for the nation to be fully back in business by Wednesday of this week,” the Prime Minister said.
Fortunately for Antigua and Barbuda, with the exception of some fallen trees and utility poles, the tourism plant of the twin islands were spared damage to buildings and infrastructure. Thousands of cruise ship passengers were today enjoying the island’s beaches, along with its first class tours and attractions with the arrival of Royal Caribbean’s Jewel of the Seas. Antigua and Barbuda remains open for business to welcome visitors in anticipation of a robust winter tourist season.