
Taiwanese Embassy clears the air on financial donations in St. Lucia

ST. LUCIA – The government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) commits itself to assist in the development of St. Lucia.

In order to strengthen the productivity of local farmers and improve the quality of people’s lives in rural areas, the government of Taiwan agrees with the government of St. Lucia that more effort should be placed on agricultural and community development projects.

All projects sponsored by the Taiwanese government in these two areas this year have been endorsed by the St. Lucia government.

Funds for the projects are paid to the builders or contractors according to the progress of the projects, as agreed by the two governments.

Opening ceremonies for the fund donation is required in order to make the whole process more transparent.

As far as we know, these projects, such as the water project in La Bourne and the green house projects for agriculture are deeply appreciated by local residents and farmers.

The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) would like to take this opportunity to make it very clear that no funds for projects have ever been paid to any parliamentarian.

The Embassy wants to make sure that aid provided will indeed help the economic and social development of Saint Lucia.

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