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Message from Jamaica’s Advisory Board Member Southern United States

MIAMI – My Fellow Jamaicans, as I write this message to you, I am remembering with tears and laughter the recent loss of the mother of our folklore, Hon. Louise Bennett-Coverly, O.M. I have the fondest memories of her from my childhood. I thank her for giving me a sense of pride in my culture and self-identity. I will miss her spirit and legacy dearly.

In this Independence season, let us celebrate our culture and heritage with vigor and passion. For more than 44 years, we have made extraordinary contributions to communities overseas in the United Kingdom, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Caribbean, Central America, Africa, and beyond.
We should be proud of our accomplishments. At the same time, we should also be cognizant that we have yet to unleash the true potential of our God-given talents and resources for the good of Jamaica and our local communities.

The authentic purpose of the Jamaican Diaspora Movement is to harness the unrealized potential of our trendsetting personality, our bold entrepreneurship, and our uncanny spirit of courage, perseverance and creativity. We must believe in the truth of this mission.

During this year’s Independence Day Celebrations, I implore you to think intimately on how you will evoke your passion for Jamaica in making continued contributions to your chosen philanthropic area of interest. There are infinite opportunities in supporting your former high school alma mater, identifying business opportunities with your peers, sharing your cultural heritage with others, or pooling your philanthropic funds for a joint charitable project.

I look forward to working with you for the greater good of Jamaica and our diasporic communities throughout the Southern United States.

Happy Independence and please enjoy the fellowship with family and friends!

Jamaica, Land We Love.

Marlon A. Hill, Esq.
Jamaican Diaspora Advisory Board Member
Southern United States

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