National News

Jamaican Govt. “Going All Out” to Stem Importation of Illegal Weapons

Jamaica Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, Hon Dr. Horace Chang
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, Hon Dr. Horace Chang

[WASHINGTON, DC] – Jamaica’s National Security Minister Dr. Horace Chang has assured members of the Jamaican Diaspora in the United States that the government is “going all out” to stem the illegal trafficking of guns and ammunition into the country.

Let’s Connect Town Hall

Addressing some two thousand members of the North America diaspora at the second in the series of “Lets Connect with Ambassador Marks” an online town hall meeting on Thursday, April 8th 2021.  Dr. Chang explained that the government was now looking at a more robust legislative framework to deal with crime.

Illegal Firearms Trade

“We don’t make guns in Jamaica. Much of the guns coming in are from the United States. And, we are getting much more cooperation from the United States authorities in dealing with the illegal trading of firearms,” Dr, Chang told his audience.

He said “although some come in through the United States, others come in through Central America and Haiti. They are exchanged for drugs. What we have done so far is very costly, but we have retooled the entire Coast Guard. Including creating a Marine, Air and Cyber Security division called the MACS Brigade.  Which is commanded by a senior female officer, Commodore Antonette Wemyss-Gorman.”

New Resources

“We have acquired three ocean going vessels, and a marine patrol aircraft which have been very effective in intercepting the boats at sea, and stemming the guns for drugs trade,” Minister Chang said.

He advised that the government will be implementing a more robust legislative framework to punish those who engage in illicit gun trade, as 80% of the homicides are committed from firearms.

Implementation of Firearms Act

The National Security Minister pointed out that “we are in the process of having a new Firearms Act Which will increase penalties for not only illegal possession and use of firearms, but also trading and manufacturing. We are looking at a number of other pieces of legislation so we can have a more robust legislative framework in dealing with crime,” he said.

Engaging the Youth

He noted that another area in which the government was embarking was to engage the youths. Especially those who were considered ‘at risk. Especially by keeping them in school, and giving them a skill. Which was crucial in the effort to curtail and deter gun culture.

In a well-received presentation, Dr. Chang committed to giving a regular briefing to members of the diaspora, as he felt it was important for Jamaicans overseas to be kept informed about the progress the government was making as it relates to national security.

Collaboration Efforts

Dr. Chang urged overseas Jamaicans with security skills who wanted to make a contribution to the national crime fighting effort, get in touch with the police high command through the Jamaican embassy.  In which they will make the appropriate arrangements.


He acknowledged that while the police had highly skilled and capable officers, the government could not do it alone. Emphasizing that national security was a specialized and highly sensitive area. Which has to be approached with caution. But he was open to explore roles for diaspora expertise.

Next Let’s Connect

The third  “Lets Connect with Ambassador Mark’s” town hall meeting, will be held on May 13th  2021.


South Florida Caribbean News

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