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Jamaican Diaspora Southern United States Christmas & New Years Message

MIAMI – On the impending Eve of the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ and the renewal of a New Year, we give blessed thanks for the breath of life and overwhelming joy in surmounting all the challenges of 2009. We can certainly find solace in the strength and resolve of our faith. For centuries, the Jamaican people and our descendants have endured a myriad of historical obstacles. With unbounded resilience and faith, we continue to face life with vibrancy and vigor.

In good and bad times, let us remember, with humility, the interconnected needs of others. Despite your own stresses, I am confident that you will find a family, friend, or co-worker who is dealing with equal or far-reaching pressures. I implore you to embrace the pursuit of Christ like behavior in all your considerations for the season. As we make our mark in these United States, we pray for the best quality of life for all persons of Jamaican descent and friends of Jamaica around the world. Likewise, in the throws of the full enjoyment of your culinary fare of baked ham, callaloo, ackee and saltfish, dumplings, banana, egg nog, sorrel, and more, please take a moment to confer a silent prayer to those who will be without equal satisfaction.

Most importantly, upon reflection and reconnection to the faith of the season, let us re-commit ourselves to the continued development of our local communities in the Diaspora for the good of each other and the residual benefit of Jamaica. Irrespective of the many pressures in acclimating to life in the United States, we have been granted the blessing to live a charmed existence. In 2010, I believe that we will restore and reorganize ourselves in a progressive fashion. Our faith demands nothing less. In June 2010, we will convene for the 4th Biennial Jamaican Diaspora Conference to continue crafting our global agenda. We will begin a new decade and generation.

On behalf of the regional leaders throughout the Southern United States and the Jamaican Diaspora Advisory Board, I wish you a blessed Christmas holiday and the excitement of an anticipated New Year.

Marlon A. Hill, Esq.
Advisory Board Member
Jamaican Diaspora Southern United States

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