
How Gaming Can Help With Anxiety?

How Gaming Can Help With Anxiety?

contributed contentThere are several reasons which prove that playing games can improve your cognitive ability and help in coping with anxiety. This gaming ability can also be put to good use in the outside world, from enhancing dexterity to learning problem-solving skills which in turn also helps in managing anxiety. Let us see how in detail.

Cognitive skills growth

If you play games of some sort, such as scratch cards online, poker or online bingo games, you need to focus and figure out your gaming plan. When you are required to think about the next step and strive to increase the odds of winning, this level of focus improves your mental agility and problem-solving skills.

While playing games that need a rapid response you’ll also boost your agility and reaction times. To know whether you have won the game, you need to be mentally aware. Similarly, you need quick answers to deal with unfamiliar scenarios while playing video games.

Memory development

Playing also strengthens memory and we have to keep several bits of data in our heads at once as we play games. For starters, we will always have to recall areas in the game while playing a video game, objects to pick up, where we need to go, and various other useful details about the game.

In several ways, gaming will improve your mental health which in turn will help control your anxiety. Playing may have a positive effect on real-life conditions by enhancing the physical activity of the brain with multiple educational advantages and creating improved social skills.


The desire to exercise imagination is one of our most fundamental needs. Sadly, it can be difficult to find ways to articulate ourselves. Open-ended games allow players to create something interesting, beautiful, or special by constructing and manipulating the game world and this helps them cope with anxiety by channelizing their energy and in turn manage their condition.

Socializing effects

Besides the academic gains, some aspects of mental health can also be enhanced by gaming. Online gaming can be an incredibly social experience and it has been found that social contact increases self-esteem and emotional contentment and hence alleviates anxiety. Players can communicate with other gamers in chat boxes when playing online, cooperate on gaming missions, and generally socialize.

Social interaction online can sound less useful than in real life, but it can also be very helpful to talk with friends about games or use an online messenger to connect to combat social isolation. People often speak about topics other than games, so stronger friendships that can spill into other fields and also lead to meetings in real life can be forged.

Concentration and strategy making skills

In terms of improving a player’s attention span, games may also provide an interesting advantage. You develop the ability to consider lots of little things at once by playing games and learn to overcome impulsiveness. The player must easily assimilate loads of confusing details while concentrating on a video game and learn to concentrate on the most important items, blocking out the irrelevant knowledge.

In several ways, gaming will improve your mental health. Playing may have a positive effect on real-life conditions by enhancing the physical activity of the brain with multiple educational advantages and creating improved social skills. In addition to this, to concentrate on long-term development, the tactics used by effective gamers can also be used in the business world.

A release of the “happiness molecule” dopamine

Our brains produce dopamine, colloquially called the “happiness hormone,” if we do something pleasurable, such as enjoying something tasty or spending time with loved ones. We need good things in our lives, but due to social anxiety, this can be challenging. Dopamine is also produced as individuals play games, allowing them a cost-effective and easily accessible means of brightening up the day.



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