
Get Help from Harrisburg Lawyers for Your Family Issues

Get Help from Harrisburg Lawyers for Your Family Issues

The family is the most basic structure of society. It is responsible for forming and teaching an individual so that it can function in society as a whole. Other responsibilities of a family can include procreation, child-rearing, and keeping peace in a household.

However, not all families are made of blood as this website says. Some are because of their own choices. Other definitions may not fit the legal terms for marriage and family as well. This is the part that can become complicated if the law is already involved. You might need to have a family lawyer for this one.

What is a Family? 

According to statistics, there are more than 120 million households in the United States. This includes everyone married with children and living in the same house. As long as you are living in the same area, this can be considered as a household. Even those who are living with their roommates are already consulted as households. One type that is excluded is dorms in schools, but the rest are counted by the census.

With this number of people, there are a lot of problems that can occur in them. Disputes can just spark because of a simple disagreement. Others are trying to find a way out of their marriage. This would now include a battle on who will take care of their children if there are any. Lawsuits are commonly filed by the parties involved, so you need a family law attorney for all that. If you are living in the vicinity, a Harrisburg lawyer would be even better.

One thing that makes them different from the others is the cases that they are handling. Most of the time, they focus on family disputes and other related issues. Below are some examples whenever you need one for your legal problems.

Example Cases

Get Help from Harrisburg Lawyers for Your Family Issues

  1. Divorce Cases

These are classic examples in any kind of filial dispute all around the world. Divorce can be defined as the dissolution of marriage rights. Unlike annulment, both parties can get remarried after the case has been resolved. This is the only legal way that marriage can be considered as null and void.

Other situations may include a fake or coerced marriage as well as underaged and arranged marriages. It is important to contact an attorney immediately if you want it to happen as soon as possible.

If there is maltreatment involved, then this is going to be a domestic abuse case. You will need to gather all the evidence before you can even appear before your legal counsel. The children also need to be secured, especially if your partner is the problem. You will need to prepare as it might take months or even a full year before a decision can be finalized by the jury.

  1. Child Custody including Grandparents’ Rights

Another type of case that a family attorney can help you with is shared child custody cases. This includes the decision for child support, living arrangement, full or partial custody and the role of grandparents and other relatives. A custody case can be one of the most stressful situations that any family or parent can face. You will be fighting for your life and your children as well. You will need all the support that you can get because this will be tough.

It is said that it is usually the mom or the female who is given more consideration in child-related cases. This might stem from the idea that they are better at child-rearing than men. Even if the law states that everyone is equal in its eyes, it seems that fathers face more discrimination in cases like this. However, it seems that there are developments to counter these kinds of problems. Here are some of them:

  1. Adoption

Understandably, some couples cannot produce a child of their own. One of them might be infertile, or they are in a same-sex relationship. Either way, they can adopt now and start a family of their own. Usually, you just a lawyer when you need to change the child’s custody to your own.

However, some parents can be denied because of many factors, and they can dispute them in court. This is rather common with LGBT+ couples, as some states still factor their sexuality into the custody.

  1. Paternity Cases

As a father, you may also want to dispute your relations with the child and his or her mother. In these cases, you need legal counsel as well as DNA or a paternity test. These are effective in telling whether you are the father or otherwise. In any case, once the decision is carried out, you need to have someone that can assist you. This may include name changes or sometimes would end up in a divorce as well. It can be a combination of the other cases above.

  1. Name Changes and Transitions

There are many instances that this can happen. For one, if the child is getting adopted or changed custody, their name will have to change. Others had to undergo surgery and want their name changed to reflect their true selves. Some just want to do it for legal and occupational reasons.

Whatever case you might be facing, it is not just enough to have any lawyer. You need to have someone compassionate about your current issues. They should understand but still remain sharp and firm with their actions and decisions. More often than not, they would end up being the rock that you will depend on. Choose a lawyer that cannot just defend yourself in court but counsel you outside of it as well.

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