
Donald Trump Flees Washington During #MarchForOurLives

WEST PALM BEACH – Florida Democratic Party Chair Terrie Rizzo released the following statement in response to reports that Donald Trump will spend the weekend in Palm Beach at his luxury resort Mar-a-Lago, while students prepare to March on Washington:

Donald Trump Flees Washington During #MarchForOurLives“​It’s no surprise that Donald Trump​ is choosing to flee Washington rather than face the hundreds of thousands of students​ ​who are preparing to March on Washington to protest his ​inaction ​on gun violence​. While ​the President runs from young people marching for their lives, we stand with the students in demanding common sense gun legislation. Trump and Republicans can only hide from these students, and the American people for so long​,” said Terrie Rizzo, Chairwoman of the Florida Democratic Party. “You can run from the students in Washington, Donald Trump, but you can’t hide from us in Florida. We’ll see you at Mar-a-lago on Saturday.​​​​”

Chair Rizzo will be joining the West Palm Beach march on Saturday, March 24, as they plan to march to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago.
March for Our Lives West Palm Beach will meet at 2 PM at Dreher Park, 1100 Southern Boulevard entrance, and march towards Mar-a-Lago as far east as security will allow.

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