Decision 2008 – Your Vote Is Important
CORAL SPRINGS – Voting has become a privilege that far too many Americans take for granted. Regardless of our race, religion, or national origin, politics impacts our life.
Caribbean-Americans have a choice to get involved with the future leadership of the country, at the local, state and national levels, and be involved and engaged in those important decisions that directly and indirectly impact our lives and those of our children’s future.
With critical decisions being made regarding housing, taxes, the war, finances and healthcare on deck during the next state and federal sessions of the respective congresses and senates, local and state elections, and the presidential election are more important than ever before.
We ALL have to get out and vote.
In addition to casting our vote on election day, we must demand that our elected officials work with the community to draft annual goals to which they will be held accountable for accomplishing each year and it shall serve to evaluate them for re-election or election to higher offices.
We must support our elected officials by showing up at meetings, hearings and demonstrations to prove our strength and support for issues affecting our daily lives. We must become a People dedicated to seeing our issues dealt with and not partisan politics. We must become a People who are knowledgeable on the issues and not dependent on the partisan spin and emotional pundits to sway our votes. We must be vocal, even if it is unpopular and even if we are the only voice of reason or opposition. Our irrelevance is a future that we can not afford.
Your vote is important!
All of our lives depend on it!!!!!!!!!!!