
Commentary with Winston Barnes: Un-Christians

By: Winston Barnes

DAVIE – the on going debate over the current edition of the perennial war in the middle east has been an occasion for learning and learning about now learning.

So many callers to our talk show have taken the position that virtually anything the Israelis do is acceptable. In great part these supporters are Christian and are convinced the events are part of biblical prophecy which is simply inevitable.

But it gets worse, some are even confused about as to who is Israeli or Jewish. Some are convinced that these terms are absolutely interchangeable!

And yes, it gets worse, some of these people who take what they supposed are informed positions on the current fighting between Israel and Hamas keep assuming that Muslims and Jews all use the same holy book that Christians use!

Where does this utter confusion and delusional thinking come from?

Regardless of where it comes from, there is a major need here for many Christians to take a course in comparative religion. For many of us it would make life very simple if there was but one holy book that all of mankind uses, whether Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, or Christian. Fact is though, this is not the case and many people need to find this out pretty quickly before they continue taking ill-informed positions, in public, no less.

Winston Barnes
Host – “Open Mic” WAVS 1170AM

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