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Commentary With Winston Barnes: College Racism

SOUTH FLORIDA – The experience of racism by black students on the campus of the University of Missouri should really not come as a major surprise to anyone, even people who do not live in this country.

Especially since Barack Obama became president it has become almost fashionable to overtly show one’s racist attitudes and beliefs like they were badges of honor.

People seeking to become president have so embraced the racist philosophies that in one case a certain level of self-hate is clearly on display. Organizations which once upon a time at least appeared to be tolerant now show a lack of even common decency in the ways they treat staff who are non-white.

racism image          Among the irrefutable facts of life, in the U.S. like any other society, the young take their cues from adults they are close to. All it takes is one adult to disparage someone of a different ethnic group, that is transferred to a young person in the household and rather quickly it becomes the norm. That same young person spread the poison to another and intolerance becomes the norm and takes on a sinister personality and racism is boosted.

In other words, the racism that has been on show in Missouri comes right back to adults teaching young people to be as evil and intolerant as they the adults are and have been.

Voice your opinion on the “Open Line” with Winston Barnes daily on WAVS 1170AM or listen on-line http://wavs1170.com/

Winston Barnes Host – “Open Line” WAVS 1170AM Photo Credit: Leroy “Dreamy” Riley
Winston Barnes Host – “Open Line” WAVS 1170AM
Photo Credit: Leroy “Dreamy” Riley




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