Caribbean Health Tourism Conference for 2012 Postponed
MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica – The Caribbean Health Tourism & Wellness Conference produced by Theo and Sharon Chambers previously scheduled for production April 28 – 29, 2012 at the Montego Bay Convention Center, Rose Hall, St. James has been postponed.
The conference had as its theme – Integrating the Caribbean as the Premier Wellness Destination, and promised to look at integration from a national perspective in Jamaica and also at a regional Caribbean level. The program included presentations by internationallly recognized tourism keynotes Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace, Ph.D, Minister of Tourism & Aviation, The Bahamas and Dr. Constantine Constantinides, CEO, M.D., Ph.D. Chief Executive, healthCare cybernetics, an internationally-recognized Health Tourism Domain thought.
Theo Chambers
Theo Chambers, co-founder and co-producer, said “the company’s shift in focus and market forces were the key indicators for the postponement.”
Health & Wellness seekers can be kept up to date on cutting edge trends in the industry via and at Let’s Do it in the, the Caribbean-focused Online Directory which markets and promotes Caribbean products and services locally, regionally and internationally.
PanaCarib Business Solutions will be the Media Patron for the upcoming Institute for International Peace through Tourism (IIPT) sponsored South African Study Tour to be launched at the Seventh Annual Marcus Garvey Fair slated for February 19, 2012 in Resource, Manchester, Jamaica, West Indies. The event has attracted Mr. Louis D’Amore, President of IIPT, USA as keynote, as well as, the Honorable Mathu Joyini, South African High Commissioner to Jamaica, who will bring greetings to the Countrystyle Tourism Network South African Satellite Group, their Film Crew and Entertainers, dignitaries and delegates.