
Why Bother To Vote In the November 2016 General Election?

SOUTH FLORIDA – Since 2000, a group of concerned Caribbean-Americans in South Florida, has developed Voters’ Guides to help you 1) select the better candidates who may promote the interests of Caribbean-American people in South Florida, and 2) provide guidance on constitutional ballot amendments.

We have watched various political news programs, read local and national newspapers, attended town hall meetings, and consulted with non-partisan advocacy organizations and local community leaders.

We have assessed the candidates based on their positions on a variety of issues, including, but not limited to, the economy, education, the American justice system, civil rights, healthcare, social services, affirmative action, economic opportunity among others.

The Caribbean American community numbers well over 600,000 in South Florida. With a high percentage turnout from the top to the bottom of the ballot, our community could have an exponential impact on the slate of leadership across the state.

When early voting begins in South Florida on October 24, and continuing until November 6th, over 1 million Florida voters would have already voted by mail.

In 2012 and 2008 respectively, the voter turnout of Floridians was 72% and 75% respectively. It is critical that you ensure that your voice is counted in these general elections.

voting in general elections
Here are a few reasons why you should take this responsibility seriously

(1) Today 38% of America’s Black men are UNABLE to vote because of their history with the justice system—in jail, under parole or probation;

(2) In the last couple general elections cycles, the presidential race was decided by less than 1% of voters.

The fact that thousands of persons previously convicted and paid their debt to society cannot vote due to their lack of restoration of their rights or the slim margins electing national or local leadership, we IMPLORE you to make voting in this general election a civic priority.

Please note that none of the following recommendations should substitute for your own evaluation and research based on your own personal interests and values. For more information, call Dr. Marcia Magnus, Caribbean American Politically Active Citizens, Founding President 954 454 7473.



Dedication of these Voters’ Guides

This year, these Caribbean American Voters’ Guides are dedicated to the 50 million Black men in America who are UNABLE to vote!

If every Black person registered to vote and voted in every primary and general election, you would have done our part to undo the damage of disenfranchisement of the prison-industrial complex—the new slavery.

“UP you mighty race, you can accomplish what you will!” –Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey



Broward County Caribbean American Voters’ Guide

Miami-Dade County Caribbean American Voters’ Guide

Palm Beach County Caribbean American Voters’ Guide


South Florida Caribbean News

The SFLCN.com Team provides news and information for the Caribbean-American community in South Florida and beyond.

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